a day in the life

Oct 22, 2017

It has been a full and satisfying day of priestly ministry for me here in the Hurunui.

Early this morning I drove the hour north to Cheviot for Mass with the locals. After Mass the conversation was of the great growth after the spring rains.

After Mass morning tea with a few parishioners, then a drive across the beautiful Leader Road from Cheviot to Culverden for 11.30am Mass.

Then I called on a few elderly and sick parishioners who are unable to get to Mass and took them communion. At each house they were waiting, expectant and excited, not because the priest was coming, but because he was bringing Jesus.

At about 2 this afternoon I was doing unexpected work. One of the couples I visited were not able to get their TV working with the satellite dish. I felt ready for the challenge, but my confidence was greater than my competence and after half an hour of pushing every button on the two remotes I had to give up.

Many people are puzzled by the life of a priest, but the reality is that we priests share much the same daily hopes, challenges and struggles as our parishioners.

I am often inspired when other priests share a reflection on social media.  Tonight my diocesan brother-priest Chris shared a video he had discovered. I was moved by it and I share it with you to try to respond more fully to those who sometimes ask me “what’s it like to be a priest?”

This brief clip (click on the image below) also communicates the personal human weakness that I and other priests struggle with.

Could I ask that when you finish watching you take a moment to offer a brief prayer for the priests who are part of your life.



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