Today, the Second Sunday of Advent, we meet John the Baptist. Note the details in the first sentence of today’s gospel reading:
“John the Baptist appeared, preaching in the desert of Judea
and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!”
The word in the original Greek that is often translated as repentance is “metanoia” literally meaning “change of mind.” One commentary adds “this kind of repentance is not about regret or guilt or shame, it implies making a decision to turn around, to face a new direction”.
The website gives this great example:
Imagine you are standing in a circle of people.
In the centre of the circle, there is a source of light.
But rather than facing the centre and the light, you are standing with your back to the light, facing outward.
When you stand this way, facing away from the light. all you can see is your own shadow.
You cannot see the light.
You can only look into your shadow.
You cannot see the others in the circle with you.
From what you can see, you are disconnected and alone in the dark
Now imagine that you turn around to face the light that is in the centre of the circle.
When you turn toward the light, you no longer see only darkness.
When you turn toward the light, your shadow is behind you.
When you turn toward the light, you can now see the other people who are standing with you.
You can see that the light is shining on everyone and that you are all connected in its radiance.
Repentance means not only turning from what is bad, but also from many things that are good, but just not for us at this time, or turning from good things that we have become inordinately attached to and which therefore restrict our ability to be truly free.
An Invitation:
- Invite Jesus to reveal to you whatever you need to turn away from. When you become aware of something, don’t see the turning as a major task…instead invite Jesus to make whatever you need to turn to much more attractive than what you need to turn away from.
- Now begin to change your words and actions to match your new direction. Notice any shift in feeling in you…do you feel more or less authentic? Do you feel more or less in harmony with Jesus?
Thank you Father John for the challenge as l enter into the 2nd week of Advent.
The light/shadow metaphor is meaningful. We know that on a grey overcast day there are no shadows s. For us, it is the shadow that indicates the light. It urges us to turn to radiance of the Word made flesh. I used to think of the shadow as enemy, Now I see it as teacher. If I had no shadow I would have no room for growth and I’d be living a grey overcast life.
I found Joy’s response interesting!! Thank you Father John for all your food for faith readings. It makes it a great start to each day of advent.
thank father john it not easy for me to make comment but do enjoy the write up they are great help
Yes, forgiveness requires repentance and repentance requires humility. To live our lives in communion with Self, Others and our Creator God we must be transformed from guilt and shame – that leaves us in the shadow of life and love, distorting our thoughts, feelings and behaviour.
Forgiveness is the ‘light’ of the Gospel … Truth and Freedom. +
Today at mass Fr Jamie preached on this gospel as the challenge to constantly convert ourselves, or taking Johns metaphor to turn constantly to the light. Our journey with Christ is just that, not a single event, but a constant refinement of self by turning to God. The times that we don’t want to turn to Gods light are those times when by our own selfishness we prefer the dark. May God ever incline us to his light