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October 3

After taking the first two days of this October Month of the Holy Rosary to prepare, today we are ready to begin a four-week journey of exploration and learning.

Our exploration is the rediscovery of the beauty of the prayer of the Rosary, a journey of twenty experiences in the life of Christ accompanied by his mother Mary.

It’s important to note that this is not (simply) a history lesson considering events that happened 2000 years ago, but a lens and a mirror bringing meaning and hope to every moment of our personal and communal life in 2021.

So that we might have this resource of faith for the rest of our lives we will put some time and energy into learning not only the prayers of the Rosary (ref. yesterday’s post), but also these events in the life of Jesus who is God-with-us.

At the end of the month those who make this daily journey will be able to pray the prayers and mysteries not only by heart but with the heart and from the heart.

On each of the four Sundays of October we will introduce one of the four sets of Mysteries of the Rosary beginning today with the Joyful Mysteries. Then Monday to Friday of that week we will take one of the five Mysteries (this week the Annunciation. Visitation, Birth of Our Lord. Presentation of Jesus in the Temple and Finding of Jesus in the Temple), praying that one Mystery together concluding on Saturday with praying the full five decades of that week before moving the next Sunday to the next set of Mysteries.

Don’t worry about the details at this stage, just take it one day at a time.

Today we introduce the Joyful Mysteries.

The word joyful is often used to mean the same as happiness. But there is an important difference.

I am happy when the weather works for what I want to do today, when my family and friends are smiling, when my health is good or when I’m meeting my business or money goals.

But many people who are happy, do not feel joy. Their inner life is restless, and they are often puzzled that even having all they thought they wanted has not delivered inner contentment.

Joy is a gift that we experience regardless of the weather, our health and our financial security.

Joy is a gift of God, enabling us to live and to thrive in every unhappiness.

Let us pray for this gift for ourselves, for those we love, and for those who are most in need.

“if we wish to follow Christ closely,
we cannot choose an easy, quiet life.
It will be a demanding life,
but full of joy.”
Pope Francis


Click on the image below to sign up for daily Rosary reflections for this month of October, or to request Rosary Beads.

Tomorrow, Sunday ,we will begin a four-week journey through the mysteries, decade by decade.

I look forward to your company on this life-giving journey.

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  1. Thankyou Fr John,
    To smile in every
    Unhappiness, beautifull
    Words,put into my thoughts

  2. Amen

  3. And let us not forget to pray that our enemies may find Joy also. For an enemy who has Joy in their heart is no longer an enemy.


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