journey continuing

journey continuing

Every day this month I have posted hundreds of beads to people all over the country. To date almost 15,000 Rosary Beads have been distributed.

the coronation

the coronation

“There is a worldly or common idea of a king or queen: a person with great power and wealth. But this is not the kind of royalty of Jesus and Mary.”

Pentecost decision

Pentecost decision

Prayer is not the reciting of incantations in order to please and appease a distant God but my desire to be connected to God.



The disciples do not feel abandoned. They do not consider Jesus to have disappeared far away but are convinced of a new presence of Jesus.

a new history

a new history

“Faith is not an album of past memories; Jesus is not outdated.  He is alive here and now.  He walks beside you each day

Glorious Mysteries

Glorious Mysteries

As I walked through the empty rooms I was flooded with memories. I knew every nook and cranny.



This time last week I was having breakfast with the priests of a parish where I was leading a retreat

Jesus dies

Jesus dies

I spent a couple of hours during the week with the teachers in one of our Catholic primary schools.

take up the cross

take up the cross

The cross-bearer is a Christ-bearer, and is able to walk erect with Christ in confident and fearless hope.

win the crown

win the crown

We get to choose the crown we wear. We can spend our earthly life striving for the earthly crown



Most of our personal physical suffering happens because people who are themselves desperately seeking survival speak and act without awareness

in a garden

in a garden

Let’s enter the Gethsemane scene engaging each of your physical senses: what can you see, touch, taste, hear and smell.



Sometimes in the middle of the night, even without waking, I feel the cross with the figure, the dead Christ, and remember

cafe protagonist

cafe protagonist

Last year I suggested that people might like to take the initiative to organise gatherings at cafes and bar

Last Supper

Last Supper

“If the Eucharist is just a symbol, then to hell with it.”



This Mystery of the Rosary opens the door between earthly routines and ordinariness and divine eternity and life.

walking together

walking together

Recent popes don’t speak much about the “kingdom” of God. Instead their language is new, fresh and relevant.

Cana: new beginning

Cana: new beginning

This first miracle of Jesus reminds us that in the present order of things, Divine Providence is leading us to a new order of human relations



I like that my baptism happened a well before I was conscious. It reminds me that especially when I am completely helpless Jesus is working in me.



Each of these mysteries is a revelation of the Kingdom now present in the very person of Jesus.

power & prayer

power & prayer

Something a little different today: A three minute video testimony to the power of the Prayer of the Rosary.

Jesus @ 12

Jesus @ 12

And let’s remember in prayer those whose feelings of being lost, worried, seeking and panic last well beyond a few days.



This week I’m enjoying the opportunity to slowly savour each decade of the Rosary, taking time during the day to meditate the mystery.

God who breathes

God who breathes

Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed, each of us is loved, each of us is necessary.



An invitation to “visit with” someone seems to be much closer to wanting to spend time or to even waste time together



Those who make this daily journey will be able to pray the prayers and mysteries not only by heart but with the heart and from the heart.

praying the beads

praying the beads

Beads are used by people of many faiths as a way to accompany prayer, using beads through the fingers as a help to meditation.

rosary rediscovery

rosary rediscovery

With the Rosary, the Christian people sits at the school of Mary and is led to contemplate the beauty on the face of Christ and to experience the depths of his love.