
Apr 26, 2022



FFF readers often ask how I go about preparing these daily reflections imagining it must be a mighty task requiring hours of my time in front of a computer.

To let you in on the secret I don’t spend much time at the computer, but the preparation of the regular posts has changed the way I live and requires a 24/7 commitment, again not to time at the desk, but to a constant sensitivity to the presence and action of Jesus in my life and in the people I encounter both in person and through these pages.

If I’m praying and engaging in the circumstances that present each day, these reflections flow (relatively) easily.

If I’m hiding from people and from God these reflections are, well, these daily posts are then impossible.

I was moved yesterday to read your own reflections – and the overwhelming sense from 100 responses that you are more aware of Jesus present and active because of the mission of FFF.

There is no greater affirmation for a priest than to receive this feedback.

I’m reminded of a person who explained their commitment to a mission with the comment “Where Jesus Christ is present and active, I like to be in the vicinity.”

That’s why I spent time every day on this FFF mission. Where Jesus Christ is present and active, I like to be in the vicinity.


A number of readers have expressed disappointment that the daily email reflections of the FFF Lent and Advent seasons will take a break now until Advent.

This housekeeping note is to remind you that there are several ways you can remain connected throughout the year.

Visit the SIGN-UP page to choose your email preferences. Ticking the Regular blog posts option sends you three or four email reflections each week.

If you ever miss a post, or want to search the 2500 FFF reflections posted over the last few years, just visit the homepage directly at or search “food for faith.”


Twelve months ago Food For Faith was established as a Charitable Trust. This means that I am freed from all administration of the growing mission, and able to give my time to preparation of content.

This move has enabled the development of several initiatives:

In the weekly Homily Studio podcasts i invite four people each week to chat with me about the scriptures of the upcoming Sunday. This is a resource not only for preachers but for any person wanting to hear the Word of God more deeply.

The daily Lectio Divina is a daily prayer podcast, a 20 minute guided prayer using the gospel reading of the day.

Last year’s October Rosary mission saw daily reflections through the month on the Mysteries of the Rosary, and more than 15,000 sets of Rosary Beads distributed to individuals and groups including class and school groups.

A number of earlier talks and video clips have been brought together on one page, and regular interviews will form a new podcast series in future months.

I have led a number of missions and retreats, and this has been a great opportunity to meet many of you who support this FFF ministry.

Several hundred people have gathered for FFF events – inviting others to a cuppa at a cafe or bar.  COVID slowed this down a little, but watch these pages for further listing.

The prayer-requests page at this link gives readers the opportunity to list and intention, or to pray for the intentions of others. Many have shared an intention have found it very helpful to receive and email every time someone prays for their intention.

All of these initiatives have been possible only because of your financial support of the FFF mission, enabling me to focus on production of content while the three Trustees (Chris Fogarty, Catherine Gibbs & Merv Duffy SM) oversee all administrative requirements and ensure that the technical bits and pieces continue to get the content from me to you.

As you will appreciate the costs associated with a growing digital ministry are significant. The Homily Studio requires $400.00 each week. The production of a single three minute video costs just under $1,000.


Thank you to those who already support FFF with your prayer, your promotion of the mission, or your financial support. We need all three if we are to continue to make contact with those who may struggle to find good food for their faith.

Please take a moment now to consider if you are able to contribute to this mission. All donations are gratefully received and will be receipted for tax purposes.

You might give a one-off donation, or to help us to budget the next twelve months more accurately perhaps you might consider a regular contribution.

Please do not hesitate to contact me directly at to perhaps arrange a phone conversation or meeting if you are considering a larger donations for a specific aspect of the mission. The FFF Trustees and tech people are enthusiastic about proceed with greater outreach as soon as this becomes possible.

Please visit the SUPPORT FFF page either here of by clicking on the image below. (Note if you choose a credit card option please also send your name and email to

It is never easy to ask for money, but my hope is that your prayer, your promotion and your financial support of Food For Faith gives you a sense of participation in and ownership of the mission and its future.

With my gratitude,
In Christ

Signature of Fr John O'Connor



  1. Thank you Father John for your thought provoking reflections over these months. They have been a daily guide and delight. They have helped me grow closer to god, looking at the scriptures often in a different light. I am coming to know Jesus in a more personal way through these reflections and listening to him speak to me through the scriptures.

  2. Thanks you Fr John. I endorse your ability to be aware of where we are in the complexities of life today. Your reflections really speak to me nd fit in so well with all I do feel and think. It can appear to be very easy to just continue to write and inspire, but this is not so. We recall that Jesus, who is the Son of God, needed to withdraw from ministry many times to refresh, renew and grow, so may this happen for you too, with blessings


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