“For, over all, the glory of the Lord
will be a canopy and a tent
to give shade by day from the heat,
refuge and shelter from the storm and the rain.
Isaiah 4
“I will come myself and cure him’ said Jesus.
The centurion replied,
‘Sir, I am not worthy to have you under my roof;
Matthew 8
It was only in pondering today’s scriptures that I realised that I have always thought of a saint’s halo as an award (or a reward) given by God to his favourites.
Today my thinking has shifted.
My new appreciation is that the halo or a divine aura is the cloak (the armour of light in other scripture passages) that I choose to wear and which I am free to don whenever I choose.
I put on this aura, this halo, this garment of salvation, whenever I appreciate that God is my refuge and shelter from the storms and rains of life.
This divine dressing is not a lengthy process needing skilled tailors and holy-wardrobe assistants. Instead I live in the “glory of the Lord,” whenever I opt to live under the canopy of God, in the tent of the divine. Or as we learn today it’s not that I have to live under God’s roof – but rather that Jesus is eager to be invited to dwell under my roof.
We take time each morning to decide what clothes we are going to wear and to ready ourselves for the tasks of the day. We’re of course aware of the ridicule we would be open to and even the battering we might get (from weather and people) if we spent the day naked in public. But we probably give little thought to dressing our souls in appropriate and necessary safe-guarding attire.
Every waking hour brings encounters and experiences that weigh heavily on us, and without protection we are vulnerable to the words and actions of others, open to attack in the unhealthy and even toxic environments of conversations and pastimes.
This morning I am going to add the canopy of God to my attire, enveloping me in the safety his aura, crowned with the halo he gives.
And when I dress myself in this way I am able to live every moment in the confidence knowing that I have nothing to fear.
Food for thought Thank you
I enjoyed reading your thoughts on the “Halo””. I certainly did not think to ever qualifying to wearing the Halo
I associated the halo for Angels andSaints. It is comforting to know that l can wear it too.
Now , l shall don my Halo and wear it, feeling safe in Gods care forever.
Thank you for starting my day in awe of God’s blessings.
This is a beautiful way to approach each day, and please God I will.
Thank you Fr John, today’s food is a great way of looking at the Halo aspect. God bless.
Fr John
I am reading a book at the moment by the late Malcolm Muggeridge called ‘Something Beautiful for God’ about Mother Teresa n Calcutta and her wonderful work with the sick and dying. Your commentary this morning reminds me of a luminous event which happened while filming the program. The cameraman said he could not film one of the scenes as the light was too dark. However everyone insisted that he carry on filming and the results they saw were nothing but miraculous. The people in the scenes were glowing with an aura which couldn’t be accounted for!
Certainly a good read!
Love it! The cool, grey (again) Auckland day suddenly doesn’t matter – I’ve been warmed up by the halo of God.
The image of putting on a halo each morningis certainly food for thought
That is so beautiful and glorious. Thank you Father John. We walk in His light.
Thank uou Father for your continued words of wisdom.
Todays reflection is beautiful! A thought provoking reminder to not only prepare oursrlves to wear the armour God has provided but to clothe ourselves in His glorious pr.esence.
Be blessed today Father.
such an interesting way to be with Jesus
i can’t do the halo
but i can imagine the scripture s as clothing wrapping itself around me
Thank you John
Thank you for reminding me to do this everyday. I use to imagine the golden light of the Holy Spirit around me when I was living under difficult times. However it has made me rethink this. It is every day that God offers me his promise of protection, so why wouldn’t I accept his generosity. I will not be waiting until I can see calamity coming towards me. A daily morning ritual is my way forward. Thank you.