so simple

Nov 29, 2022


I learnt only recently that anything that a wristwatch can do beyond telling the time is called a complication.

Watched today can give weather forecasts, make phone calls, measure daily steps and heart-rates and proffer access to social media and GPS. These complications are very useful, and make the watch more…complicated.

Many people who own one of these timepieces use only one or two of the extras, and I wouldn’t mind betting that most people use their multi-talented watch only for time-telling.

As we get on in years our once-simple lives become increasingly complicated. This isn’t a bad thing since healthy adults rightly accept and carry a lot more responsibility than children. We know too that many of life’s complications, while at times causing some stress, are what provide our greatest growth and life-giving adventure, making the best stories a few weeks and years down the track.

When Jesus expresses delight that many things are hidden from the learned and the clever and revealed to mere children, maybe he had a complicated watch in mind.

Perhaps we allow our minutes, hours to become unnecessarily complicated as with the best of intentions we fill our days with unwanted complexity.

What’s the answer? What to do?

Jesus asks us to remember the simplicity of the child, since child-like curiosity and playfulness enable us to be receptive to life’s ultimate meaning revealed to those who take time to be still and silent in a disposition of openness and wonder.

Let’s try it.



  1. You’re right John
    Maybe life’s journey is to rediscover in us the child loved by God…

    I remember how Dad kept a photo next his bed of me beaming as a child who had just won a race..
    He said it captured simple joy..

  2. Yes, more playfulness! Like my grandchildren this morning who played dress-ups before getting into their school uniforms – granny had to take a breath, stop looking at her (simple) watch and enjoy the moment.

  3. Life is simple through the eyes of a child. It’s good to keep that in mind as we begin Advent. Blessings.

  4. Thanks for that refection today. Our earth is also asking us to live more simple lifestyles. Let’s think about how we can do that this Advent and Christmas Season

  5. I enjoy an uncomplicated life but I realize I am fortunate to be able to live this way and am grateful for all I have when I read about the suffering others endure. Let’s be grateful for what we have when so many are suffering in the world.

  6. Thoughtful readings and gave me much to think on


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