Food For Faith has been a great gift to me.
From small beginnings as a two-week pilgrimage blog a dozen years ago, with a few surprise turns through ups and downs to a growing mission seeking to encourage and support those who are seeking greater maturity of Christian faith.
A couple of years ago the formation of the Food For Faith Charitable Trust enabled us to continue building on a strong foundation.
With the Trustees (Merv Duffy SM, Chris Fogarty & Catherine Gibbs), a great technical team, (Screenweave), and a number of others who we call on for an hour or two every now and then to manage Social Media and to participate in the Homily Studio, we are enthusiastic about our mission.
Every day I receive encouraging emails from people across Aotearoa and further afield, people who are grateful for our efforts, and some puzzled about how it is possible for me to write a reflection every day.
The answer is simple.
The discipline of daily writing through the Advent (and Lent) days keeps me alert to the many ways that I am able to experience the presence and action of Jesus in my life every day. When I live in this way, life feels abundant and (mostly) the reflections flow without too much struggle.
And that is why I am so grateful to you who support Food For Faith with your words of encouragement, your prayer, and your financial contributions.
Food For Faith receives no financial support from any church or diocesan funding, and what we are able to do is dependant on and determined by the financial contributions of readers.
In short, without your ongoing support Food For Faith cannot continue.
Our operating costs are currently $1,000.00 each week.
If you have appreciated the daily reflections over the Advent & Christmas season, or the daily Lectio Divina, or the Homily Studio, or the parish / community retreats, take a moment to click on the image below and consider whether you might be able to help us to budget for the months ahead by making a contribution.
Please take a moment to check out the SUPPORT FFF page by clicking on the image below and consider how you might be able to help. A regular monthly contribution, however small, is especially helpful since it enables us to plan and to budget.
If you would like to speak with me about your contribution please don’t hesitate to contact me: john@fff.org.nz. If you send a phone number I can call you.
In Christ