FFF – a request

Oct 15, 2024


Three years ago the registration of Food For Faith as a Charitable Trust marked a significant step in growth of the Food For Faith mission seeking to provide resources for all who seek greater maturity of Christian faith.

Each month the four Trustees meet: Chris Fogarty, Chair of the Trust, Partner at Cameron and Co lawyers based in Christchurch as a family lawyer, Kate Kearins Business school leader with teaching and research background in business and sustainability, Merv Duffy, Marist priest. Dean and lecturer theology for Te Kupenga, Catholic Theological College in Auckland and Catherine Gibbs, administrator of the Trust, based in Wellington with a professional background in education and the arts.

We’re pictured above at our meeting a couple of weeks ago.

At each meeting of the Trustees I give an update – focussing on the great potential of and my hopes for the FFF mission.

The Trustees also hear regularly from Jason of the Screenweave team (who oversees all technical aspects of the mission), Ted (our accountant), Triona who looks after all Social Media branches of FFF and Trish who has come on board more recently to help us contact groups who have funds available for distribution to our kind of mission.

At the last meeting the Trustees shared a concern that we are very low on funds. We operate to a fairly tight budget but still maintaining daily twenty-minute Lectio Divina and weekly 30-minute Homily Studio podcasts along with the Prayer Wall and the regular reflections and the daily Lent and Advent encouragements which reach the largest audience thanks to your support and promotion of these.

With the Trustees and many FFF supporters I live with a deep awareness of the great potential of FFF – if only our resources allowed.

Here in Aotearoa a diocesan Pastoral Office often employs two or three and even more people to provide for and support the pastoral needs of a diocese. Along with many very committed Christians, active in their local parish communities Food For Faith also reaches many people who may feel at a distance from the Church.I can only dream of and hope and pray for a day when our Food For Faith resources allow us to develop and extend our outreach to more people including so many of our own children and grandchildren, friends and work companions.

Food For Faith receives no financial support from the Church and is therefore completely dependant on the generosity of those who appreciate the mission.

Thank you to those who are already providing this support, weekly, fortnightly or monthly donations, and one-off contributions. Your generosity has made it possible for us to reach this point of potential.

The Trustees have asked me to write to all Food For Faith followers inviting you to consider offering financial support to this ministry, perhaps a regular amount, maybe a one-off gift, or remembering us in your will.

Thank you for your generous consideration of our request.

Please feel free to give me a call or send me a note john@fff.org.nz if you would like to chat about how you might be able to help.

And I would be most grateful if you could take a moment now to visit the Support FFF page by clicking on the image below. Receipts will be sent for every donation.

You’ll find a lot more info about our future potential, as well as easy ways to give your support on the Support page.

I am very grateful.
In Christ
Signature of Fr John O'Connor


And, while I have your attention…

At Easter, I invited people to contribute 400 words sharing one personal experience of God. The quality and power of the 90 reflections which flowed in is extraordinary, inspiration especially for people who might appreciate encouragement from people like themselves, men and women from across the globe living in every complexity of human experience. In a couple of weeks this publication, FIFTH GOSPEL LIVING will be released.

Click the image below to pre-order – or contact me directly if you would like to order more than one or two copies. john@fff.org.nz


1 Comment

  1. Absolutely looking forward to this book and using the different contributions for inspiration, encouragement and reflection.


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