“The only real sadness,
the only real failure,
the only great tragedy in life,
is not to become a saint.”
Leon Bloy
Two weeks ago I arrived home from retreats in Indonesia with a spectacular dose of food poisoning – airport food not retreat centre dining. I’m delighted to report that I am fully recovered, albeit a little nervous about heading to the Philippines tomorrow for retreat/seminars. At this stage I’m planning not to eat at all until I arrive back in NZ early next week!
I spent time yesterday afternoon preparing the garden for a week without me and a week without rain – an elaborate system of irrigation, especially for the lettuce and tomato plants.
Some of my plants have had a bit of a rough few months and with a bit of luck and some water the tomatoes and lettuce will be salads before Christmas.
I’m reminded of Angelo Roncalli’s words the night before he was elected pope (John XXIII): “We are not here to guard a museum, but to cultivate a flourishing garden of life.”
This is the mission of the saint, not to lock up, but to cultivate and thrive knowing that s/he is powerless to achieve this abundance without Jesus..
The saint of the day, Francis Xavier, was one of the first Jesuits. He was a friend of Ignatius’ and one of the band of seven who with Ignatius took vows in Paris in 1534.
These first Jesuits were great adventurers who sought above all else to live in relationship with the ONE through whom earthly death became the pathway to abundant life. Saints understand that every suffering or anxiety is not a problem to be endured but an opportunity to turn to Jesus with renewed dependance and confident hope.
“It is not the actual physical exertion
that counts toward a person’s progress,
nor the nature of the task,
but the spirit of faith with which it is undertaken.”
Francis Xavier 1506-1552
Take an initiative and send me a date time and place for a FFF cafe-catchups. john@fff.org.nz. I’ll advertise these on each morning’s post throughout Advent.
Wednesday 4 December 10.00am with Joan
Stumble Inn, 200 Mangorei Road
Merrilands, New Plymouth
Click the image below to order FIFTH GOSPEL LIVING. If you already have the book please send a comment below. How are you finding it useful? Who do you think might appreciate it as a Christmas gift? Your comments will be helpful for others.
And the first book:
‘The spirit of faith with which it is undertaken’ sit with me today. Very powerful when our society today seems to be based on everything but faith. Safe travels John.
FFF Cafe meet at Zenders Cafe and Venue 44 Hopkins Rd Newstead, Hamilton 10:30am Wednesday 11 Dec. Phone Christina 0274991330 or just turn up.
Hi Fr. John! Our warm greetings of peace and joy in today’s feast of Saint Francis Xavier, an adventurer! Our concurrence that these joys and pains in our lives are God’s transformative revelations. Our prayers always that into it we must be able to experience his immense loving presence with us all to that end of fulfilling all the more our Catholic Christian duties. Safe travels and take care po always. We are looking forward, with great excitement, to meeting you at Our Lady of Mt. Matutum Trappistine Monastery this coming Sunday, on the occasion of the Feast of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception! Cheers!