The prevailing sense in the Old Testament was that God lived in the heavens above. Therefore mountain-tops (where heaven and earth seem to intersect) were a logical place of encounter with the divine.
We see this in Moses, the holy Old Testament leader of people, taking the demands and needs of the people up the mountain to God, and coming back down to the people bringing God’s response, the recipe for healthy living.
But in Christ, God makes the greatest journey of all time, from the distant heavens not just to the mountain-top, but to every human person in every situation in every time and place.
One of the many scriptural prayers in every Mass uses the words of the centurion who asks Jesus to heal his paralysed servant: Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed. Matthew 8
I’ve always liked that prayer.
Even when I don’t expect it or deserve it, or when I lack the desire or energy to actively pursue God, then God in Jesus comes to me wherever and however I am living.
While I find meaning and direction in life when I consciously and passionately turn to God, even when I am ignorant of the presence and action of God. Jesus is present and active with me, right where I am.
Anyone who has been a part of a house-building process know the satisfaction of seeing the roof in place. Once the top is on, the house can be quickly closed in and the weather has less power to slow the completion of the project.
Then, on the completion of the house, under this roof, my intimate dwelling place where I am most myself, in my home, Jesus comes to me.
If I have closed all doors and locked all windows, even then God will find a way – even through the roof!
No human structure is an obstacle to God.
God finds a way.
Let’s make the prayer of the centurion our own today, praying it whenever we think of it – perhaps in a second or two whenever we hear a phone ring: “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.”
Take an initiative and send me a date time and place for a FFF cafe-catchups. john@fff.org.nz. I’ll advertise these on each morning’s post throughout Advent.
Wednesday 4 December 10.00am with Joan
Stumble Inn, 200 Mangorei Road
Merrilands, New Plymouth
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The analogy given in this morning’s Food For Faith is so clever and meaningful. Thank you.