I spent a couple of hours during the week with the teachers in one of our Catholic primary schools.
Good Friday
Anyone who really wanted to get rid of suffering would have to get rid of love before anything else, because there can be no love without suffering,
facing fear
We spend most of our lives running from death and the daily moments that feel deathly. We do our best to avoid such uncomfortable realities and expend time, energy and resources trying to avoid anything that hints at death.
Good Friday
There is one moment in the year when Christians around the world gather at the same hour, 3.00pm on Good Friday for the celebration of the Lord's Passion. This is one...
the Triduum
These three days, from Holy Thursday evening until the Saturday evening Vigil of Easter, are at the heart of our life as Christians and therefore the core of our human...
Ave Verum
The depths of human pain, suffering and grief can produce some of the most exquisite beauty in art. The suffering and death of Jesus is an example, and one of the most...
the CROSS road
This evening I plan to be at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament choir and orchestra performance of Bach's St. John's Passion. Details below. But before then, at...
these three days
This Holy Triduum beginning with this evening's Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper is at the heart of our Christian faith, and therefore at the centre of our human...
Christians together
This Good Friday morning, in the Good Shepherd Hurunui parish, and around NZ as in other parts of the world, Christians of all denominations gather to carry the cross...
facing fear
The liturgy of Good Friday gives us an opportunity to face our greatest fear, the fear of death.
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he tangata
to recognise each and every person as the pinnacle of divine activity

culture & faith
Today we mark 184 years since the first signatures were put to the Treaty of Waitangi

My suggestion is that in a time of retreat what we are retreating from is all that is not reality.

he simply sought to be fully with the one or two people he was with in any moment, and that was enough.

in the world
I was caught up in the drama and intrigue. I love a good story.