Don’t get down when you hear today’s first reading.
Jeremiah is having a bad day. He’s a bit overwhelmed with the negative response he is getting when he passes God’s message to the people. In short, Jeremiah is having a Jeremiad.
Jesus dies
I spent a couple of hours during the week with the teachers in one of our Catholic primary schools.
the pathway
The cross does not mean that I should simply put up with suffering, becoming co-dependant on a grossly unfair situation
had enough ?
But remember where the chapter began: Elijah praying: Lord, “I have had enough. Take my life”
this rich earth
A life lived abundantly will touch the reality of suffering and death daily.
Christ the King
The fact of our limited time on earth brings a clarity to our vision helping us to keep the struggles of earthly existence in a broader, deeper, eternal and loving divine perspective.
pray & heal
We are challenged by Jesus to forgive those who harm us, but as hard as we try we are unable to do this and often we don’t even want to forgive.
growing pains
The one who embraces this journey soon discovers that the pathway provided is more personally tailored to us than any life we might create for ourselves.
the new life
I’ll never have the experience of a mother giving birth to a child and I’m ok with that, with mothers commenting that men have got no idea what real pain is.
broken ?
Broken like a light-bulb, good for nothing? No! I’m broken like a jigsaw puzzle, full of potential and ready to become what I am created to be.
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he simply sought to be fully with the one or two people he was with in any moment, and that was enough.
in the world
I was caught up in the drama and intrigue. I love a good story.
At conception, our human life begins. At baptism, our eternal life begins
the seekers
If the Magi had settled for seeking creature comforts, they would never have encountered the Lord.
May the Lord uncover his face to you, and give you peace