On behalf of the Trustees of the Food For Faith Charitable Trust I am happy to forward to you the first annual Financial Statement.
Early last year I became aware that it was not possible for the growing FFF mission to become more effective without giving readers and other supporters the invitation to directly determine the direction and pace of the development of this mission. I am grateful that Chris Fogarty, Catherine Gibbs and Merv Duffy SM were prepared to guide the formation of the FFF Trust and to serve as the first Trustees.
We are grateful to those who have contributed with support in many forms including notes and calls of encouragement and financial contributions. Your generosity has enabled new initiatives including the daily audio LECTIO DIVINA and the weekly HOMILY STUDIO podcast. These offerings continue to grow in popularity across the globe, and the daily LENT AND ADVENT REFLECTIONS also have an engaged and stable following.
The PRAYER REQUESTS page has a steady stream of users, both those requesting prayer for themselves and for those they love, and those who are clicking the I prayed for this indicator to let others know of their prayer.
Last year the CAFE GATHERINGS were very popular. I turned up at a few and was surprised to see people gathered – always 3 or 4 people, sometimes ten and more. I was a bit overwhelmed a few months ago to turn up at the Dowse cafe in Lower Hutt to find more than twenty people. Let’s do more of this. I’ll let you know when the Events Page is ready to go once again.
Then there is a page of AUDIO REFLECTIONS, a mixture of talks and homilies I have given in recent years. You might try one of these to consider as you drive to work.
In recent months I have appreciated the opportunity to lead a number of PARISH & COMMUNITY MISSIONS AND RETREATS Thank you for your invitations and participation. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like to discuss possibilities for your community. john@fff.org.nz
Thank you especially to those who have committed to regular monthly donations. The generosity and regularity of your contributions enables us to budget for future growth of the mission which is no longer just my mission, but now OUR mission. Thank you.
This Food For Faith adventure has been a steep learning curve for me especially since my technology skills are limited and the maintenance and growth of an online ministry needs sound technical support which requires significant financial backing.
Some supporters have contacted me to discuss and arrange more significant one-off donations. Thank you for understanding that the FFF mission requires not only a regular monthly income but also more substantial financial backing. If you would like to speak with me about this please don’t hesitate to send me a note: john@fff.org.nz
Your financial support has made it possible to call on good Information Technology (IT) support when needed – mostly for low-key website and mailing maintenance but also more major work when there is a gremlin in the works. Thank you to the Screenweave team who have a good understanding of our mission and are generous with their time and talent.
In this first financial year getting the books in order and overseeing all aspects of administration has been the work of Catherine and Ted.
Thank you to you all.
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Click the links below to read the Annual Report and the Financial Statement. If you would like further information or clarification please send an email admin@fff.org.nz.
As Food For Faith enters its second decade (after humble beginnings as a simple blog in 2012) I renew my commitment to doing all I can to using all forms of online methods to provide sound and inspiring food for the faith of every person who is searching. This is my commitment. In order for me to keep doing this the FFF Trust needs your financial support. Please take a moment to click on this link to make a contribution to OUR Food For Faith mission.
In Christ
Read the Annual Report online
Download the Annual Report PDF File
Read the Financial Statement online
Download the Financial Statement PDF File