The fact of our limited time on earth brings a clarity to our vision helping us to keep the struggles of earthly existence in a broader, deeper, eternal and loving divine perspective.
a greater power
If you are following the gospel readings this week you might find them a bit fearsome with their focus on the end of this earthly world. But something much better is being offered to us
Christ the King
the king, with the crown...of thorns. It’s the last Sunday of the Church year today. In recent weeks the readings of the liturgy have been preparing us for the end...
Xt. the Kg. prep.
If you are preparing to preach this coming Sunday for the feast of Christ the King you might find these thoughts helpful. In 1925 Pope Pius XI spoke strongly against...
faces of faithfest
More Faithfest photos here from Peter Fleming. If you were there, the chances are you will see yourself in at least one of these pictures. The pics are a mix from...
more Faithfest photos
Thanks to Peter Fleming for taking and contributing these Faithfest Mass photos. more to come...
Bishop’s Faithfest homily
Thanks to Bishop Barry Jones for providing "food for faith" with this copy of his homily delivered at yesterday at the Faithfest Mass in the CBS Arena, Christchurch....
ChCh Diocese Faithfest
Today the Catholic Diocese of Christchurch celebrated the end of the Year of Faith. These images from this morning's Mass celebrating the Feast of Christ the King speak...
soul by soul and silently
There is a great Cecil Spring Rice poem that is better known for the Gustav Holst music it is often sung to. It is an appropriate anthem for today's feast of Christ the...
our maker is our monarch
What image enters your mind when you think of Christ as King? I find it hard to get beyond the trappings of contemporary royalty: wealth, glamour, and image. I’d have...
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culture & faith
Today we mark 184 years since the first signatures were put to the Treaty of Waitangi

My suggestion is that in a time of retreat what we are retreating from is all that is not reality.

he simply sought to be fully with the one or two people he was with in any moment, and that was enough.

in the world
I was caught up in the drama and intrigue. I love a good story.

At conception, our human life begins. At baptism, our eternal life begins